• The front of the terrace house, garden and garage;
• The home in the living room, dining, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen;
• The space behind the house to wash and dry in the sun back garden. Although any area of land and a small, healthy home should be reasonable and in the mean occupy qualified health and comfort Namely:
1. A good natural ventilation;
2. Adequate lighting;
3. A comfortable room temperature;
4. Adequate sanitation;
Terms of simple home a health of them needs a minimum amount of space outside and in the met. Needs space per person is calculated based on basic human activity in the home. Summary someone activities include sleeping, eating, working, sitting, bathing, and cooking and other space. Needs a minimum space per person is 9 m2, or the minimum standards with a number 7.2 m2 per person. Average height of ceilings 2.80 meters. Simple home a health allows for the healthy living and can run the day-to-day life is feasible.
Actually there are several types of houses in the market is small enough for the family based on the minimal needs. Type a small enough for the family and consists of 3 people is a Type 21. Type 36 is suitable for the number of family members in the top 3 people. Type 21 and usually consist 1 bedroom, 1 room, 1 bathroom and kitchen. While the Type 36 and Type larger 21 with the addition of a 2 bedroom, living room and the wash.
Rewrite by: Nuryasin